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Android版 WhatsApp 備份功能不再「免費無限儲存」!Google 新政策即將上路

Android版 WhatsApp 備份功能不再「免費無限儲存」!Google 新政策即將上路

安卓手機版 WhatsApp 的「對話備份」功能,涵蓋文字訊息、影音、照片等檔案內容,原本提供用戶可不受儲存容量限制、享免費無限自動備份到 Google Drive 雲端硬碟的這項功能,即將迎來一項重大的全新變動。

自明年2024年起,Android版 WhatsApp 「對話備份」不再是「免費無限」,而是會改為計入用戶個人Google 帳號所享有可用的15GB免費雲端儲存空間,屆時,將與用戶Google 帳號所使用的應用程式,包括 Google 相簿、Gmail信件和Google 文件,全都共同享有15GB的免費雲端儲存空間。

也就是說,目前使用的免費15GB雲端容量一旦爆滿,若用戶仍想持續使用WhatsApp「對話備份」功能,就得透過付費訂閱Google One 升級雲端空間容量的方式。至於iOS版的 WhatsApp 「對話備份」,由於是備份至用戶個人的 iCloud 帳戶,不受新政策影響。

關於「Android版WhatsApp 對話備份功能」異動,將取消「無限容量備份」的這項新政策,Google 與WhatsApp 雙方都於今(11/15)稍早都已在自家官網正式發佈公告。

Google 表示,上述提及的「對話備份」異動新政策,預計在今年12月率先向Android 版WhatsApp 測試計畫用戶推行,並在明年2024年起正式陸續向用戶全面實施。

因應備份空間將採用與 Google 帳號免費共享15GB 雲端儲存容量合併計算,之後,若安卓用戶的 WhatsApp 備份內容檔案過大,若不想付費升級容量,則可把自動對話備份功能給移除。安卓用戶需手動從WhatsApp 的設定選單操作,路徑為:設定>「對話」>「對話備份」,並把「備份到Google 雲端硬碟」改為「不要備份」。

WhatsApp 指出,新政策明年起正式陸續實施,會於生效前30天向用戶發出通知提醒。

Upcoming changes to WhatsApp chat history backup on Android

Hey all,
As an important heads up, WhatsApp backups on Android will soon start counting toward your Google Account cloud storage limit, similar to how WhatsApp backups are handled on other mobile platforms. This change will first start rolling out to WhatsApp Beta users starting in December 2023, then gradually to all WhatsApp users on Android starting early next year.
If you choose to enable WhatsApp backups on Android, personal Google Accounts come with 15GB of storage at no charge – 3X more than most mobile platforms – that’s shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos.
WhatsApp backups on Android will continue to work, as long as you have available space within your Google Account storage. If you hit your storage limit, you’ll need to free up space to resume backups by removing items you do not need.
If you have a personal Google Account, our storage management tools can help you do things like removing large files or photos. You can also delete items directly from WhatsApp. Deleting items from WhatsApp deletes them from your cloud storage, reducing storage used by your next WhatsApp backup. You also have the option to get more storage with Google One. Learn more about what storage is right for your account here. To help you with the transition, we will soon provide eligible users limited, one-time Google One promotions.
If you have a Google Workspace subscription through work or school, your storage quota is not impacted at this time.  
Going forward, WhatsApp backup experience on Android will be in line with how it works on other platforms, with the added benefit of Google's 15 GB of storage available at no charge. We’ll continue to work with WhatsApp to provide you with reliable and secure backup support. Please stay tuned for more updates.

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